“Please Don’t Kill Me” and Other Tales in Writing

A Cup of English Tea

frabz-please-dont-kill-me-a34e6fHave you ever been writing a death scene in a novel and have this feeling that if your character was a real person he or she’d be giving you puppy eyes while pleading for his or her life? “Please don’t kill me!” he or she says. For me it happens all the time. Yep. Pretty much every time I go to kill off a character. Which I am currently trying to do at the moment with no success…

So today’s lovely post revolves around killing characters. Yes, killing characters.

From a reader’s perspective there is nothing worse than when an author decides to go and off one of your favorites, but honestly as a writer it’s painful too. My characters become special to me and that makes it all the more painful when I have to get rid of one of them. After all, I am their creator, and I…

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Character Worksheet

I never feel like I have anything or important to post on this blog~ but maybe I can offer something helpful to my fellow writers.

I always want to make sure I write the most believable characters possible (even when they aren’t human). To do this I fill out a character questionnaire for every character I add to a storyline.

It’s a bit like filling out paperwork at a new doctor’s office, but it always helps me know my characters better.

And so without further ado, here is my personally created set of pdf character worksheets. Feel free to use and share 🙂

Charity’s Character Worksheet (Printable)